Sunday, October 11, 2020

About the Brand: SSmith Designs

Every designer needs a good logo to identify themselves by. For me, its the Diamond S. But what does it mean? And how did it become my logo?
The logo replaced a rather crude earlier version, and has gone through a few adjustments as well. The colors of gray and silver are meant to be a flexible look, providing a clean and modern foundation. The touches of turquoise are meant to represent a spark of inspiration, the basis of design. The diamond that surrounds the S is meant to reflect ties to quality (a diamond is often times the standard for quality due to its value). The center S is made up of 2 J shapes representing my initials of SJS. The "S" is slanted upward to represent to climb to continuously get better and improve, as a creator always should. The brand as a whole is designed to be flexible, being able to be used with a variety of colors, designs, and patterns depending on the event and idea that best reflects the current moment. This logo has also been featured in a Gray/White/Turquoise and Gray/White coloring, as well as a simple "Chrome" style, to name a few.

Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself...

It's hard to belive that it's been over two years since I last posted here. Lots of things have changed, for better and worse, and I'm here to hopefully restart a blog that needs new life! My name is Stephen Smith. I'm a native Coloradan, but I am currently attending the University of Nebraska as a freshman. For most of my life I have always been involved in sports, whether it be basketball, soccer, or football. I am a pop culture nut especially in the world of Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, Destiny, and Assassin's Creed, and I am an avid historian and video games. I have also been involved in sports design for around 8 years now. I have developed my skills and over the past year I have grown my platform from a small time poster on a sports design forum, to creating TikToks that gathered thousands of likes (my most liked video had over 10000+ likes and 168,000 views), and having my work featured on websites such as and Yahoo! Sports. I currently run a small Instgram page with around 160 followers, but I am always looking to grow that number! I do work from pop culture mashups, to professional league redesigns, and everything in between. I currently use Inkscape as my main medium, but I am looking to soon expand into photoshop and illustrator to expand my portfolio. On this blog I will post concepts, design reviews, updates, and other things related to sports design. If you ever have any requests or questions, message me on instagram @ssmith_designs. Welcome to the reboot of SSmith Designs! Enjoy the ride!